Markdown Guide

Markdown Guide

This guide is inspired by GitHub's "Mastering Markdown" Guide, found here.


Markdown is a simple way to format text for display on a website.

Markdown Syntax


# This is an <h1> tag
## This is an <h2> tag
###### This is an <h6> tag

This is an \ tag

This is an \ tag

This is an \ tag

Emphasis (Bold, Italic)

*This text is italic*
_This is also italic_

This text is italic This is also italic

**This text is bold**
__This is also bold__

This text is bold This is also bold

_You **can** also combine them_

You can also combine them



* Item 1
* Item 2
  * Item 2a
  * Item 2b
  • Item 1

  • Item 2

    • Item 2a

    • Item 2b


You do not need to manually number your ordered list. Subsequent items in the list will be automatically numbered if you use - instead of numbers.

1. Item 1
- Item 2
- Item 3
   1. Item 3a
   - Item 3b
  1. Item 1

  2. Item 2

  3. Item 3

    1. Item 3a

    2. Item 3b


1. Item 1
- Item 2
   - Sub-item
   - Sub-item
  1. Item 1

  2. Item 2

    • Sub-item

    • Sub-item

Task Lists

- [x] first, choose an ordered or unordered list style, then add checkboxes
- [x] completed item
- [ ] incomplete item


You can create tables by assembling a list of words and dividing them with hyphens - (for the first row), and then separating each column with a pipe |:

Column 1 Header | Column 2 Header
------------ | -------------
Content from cell 1 | Content from cell 2
Content in the first column | Content in the second column

First Header

Second Header

Content from cell 1

Content from cell 2

Content in the first column

Content in the second column


~~strikethrough text like this~~

strikethrough text like this


Image syntax allows for alternative text. The format is ![alt text](URL). The URL can be a relative project path or an external website URL.

![Org Logo](../logo_square.png)
![Org Logo](

Links are created automatically in most cases (and always on Github). Or, you can specify a link with alternative text. - automatic!

[GitHub]( link

GitHub link

Block Quotes

> "Not enough blinky lights."
> - Henry Neeman, SiPE 2018

"Not enough blinky lights." ~ Henry Neeman, SiPE 2018


I think you should use an
`<addr>` element here instead.

I think you should use an <addr> element here instead.

mkdir lesson06/   
cd lesson06

Markdown supports language-specific syntax highlighting.

function fancyAlert(arg) {
  if(arg) {
function fancyAlert(arg) {
  if(arg) {

You can also simply indent your code by four spaces:

function fancyAlert(arg) {
  if(arg) {

Horizontal Rule



GitHub supports emoji! :sparkles: :camel: :boom:

To see a list of every image we support, check out the Emoji Cheat Sheet.

Last updated