MPI Example

The tutorial below shows you how to run Wes Kendall's basic "hello world" program, written in C, using the message passing interface (MPI) to scale across our HPC compute nodes [1]. The test will be submitted to the HPC via a SLURM (Simple Linux Utility for Resource Management) batch scheduling system.

Additional examples can be found in C++, Fortran or Python sections.

Table of Contents

Note: Do not execute jobs on the login nodes; only use the login nodes to access your compute nodes. Processor-intensive, memory-intensive, or otherwise disruptive processes running on login nodes will be killed without warning.

Step 1: Access Your Allocation

  1. Open a Bash terminal.

  2. Execute ssh

  3. When prompted, enter your password.

Once you have connected to the login node, you can proceed to Step 2 and begin assembling your SLURM submission script.

Step 2: Create a SLURM Script

Below is the SLURM script we are using to run an MPI "hello world" program as a batch job. SLURM scripts use variables to specify things like the number of nodes and cores used to execute your job, estimated walltime for your job, and which compute resources to use (e.g., GPU vs. CPU). The sections below feature an example Slurm script for our HPC resources, show you how to create and save and submit your own SLURM script to run on our HPC.

Consult the official SLURM documentation and FAQ for a complete list of options and common questions.

Example SLURM Script

Here is an example SLURM script for running a batch job on our HPC. Please save it to a file named mpi-test.slurm. We break down each command in the section below.


#SBATCH -p stdmemq          # Submit to 'stdmemq' Partitiion or queue
#SBATCH -J MPItest          # Name the job as 'MPItest'
#SBATCH -o MPItest-%j.out   # Write the standard output to file named 'jMPItest-<job_number>.out'
#SBATCH -e MPItest-%j.err   # Write the standard error to file named 'jMPItest-<job_number>.err'
#SBATCH -t 0-12:00:00        # Run for a maximum time of 0 days, 12 hours, 00 mins, 00 secs
#SBATCH --nodes=1            # Request N nodes
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=20 # Request n cores or task per node
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=4GB   # Request 4GB RAM per core
#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL      # Send email notification at the start and end of the job
#SBATCH --mail-user=<user>  # Send email notification to this address

module list                 # will list modules loaded by default. In our case, it will be GNU8 compilers and OpenMPI3 MPI libraries
module swap openmpi3 mpich  # swap the MPI library from the default 'openmpi3' to 'mpich'.
module list                 # will list modules loaded; we'll just use this to check that the modules we selected are indeed loaded
pwd                         # prints current working directory
date                        # prints the date and time

mpirun hello_world_c        # run the MPI job

SLURM Script Breakdown

You can always type man sbatch to see all the SLURM batch submission options. Below is an explanation of the options used above.





-p, --partition=<partition>

Submit the job to <partition> queue


-J, --job-name=<jobname>

Name the job as <jobname>


-o, --output=<filename>

Write the job's standard output to the file name named <filename>


-e, --error=<filename>

Write the job's standard error messages to the file name named <filename>



Notify user by email when certain event types occur, as specified by the --mail-type=<type> option.



Notify user by email when certain event types occur. <type>=ALL notifies upon the start, end or failing of the job. <type>=END only notified the user at the end.


-N, --nodes=<n>

Request that n nodes be allocated to this job.



Request that ntasks be started on each node.



Specify the real memory required per node in the proper unit.



Specify memory per core. 4GB is a reasonable number.


-t, --time=<time>

Maximum run time for your job in the format D-HH:MM:SS

Step 3: Compile the C Program from Source

Below is Wes Kendall's simple "hello world" C program that utilizes MPI to run the job in parallel [1]. We will need to compile this source code on one of the compute nodes.

MPI Hello World Source Code

#include <mpi.h>
#include <stdio.h>

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    // Initialize the MPI environment.
    MPI_Init(NULL, NULL);
    // Get the number of processes.
    int world_size;
    MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &world_size);
    // Get the rank of the process.
    int world_rank;
    MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &world_rank);
    // Get the name of the processor.
    char processor_name[MPI_MAX_PROCESSOR_NAME];
    int name_len;
    MPI_Get_processor_name(processor_name, &name_len);
    // Print off a hello world message.
    printf("Hello world from processor %s, rank %d"
           " out of %d processors\n",
           processor_name, world_rank, world_size);
    // Finalize the MPI environment.

C Procedure

When creating and editing your hello_world.c source code, we will be working on the login node using the text editor such as Vi, Emacs or Nano.

  1. Create a file named hello_world.c and paste the contents of the above code there.

  2. Load the compiler and MPI library. Enter module list to see if what modules are loaded. If MPICH is not loaded, swap the current MPI library with MPICH to proceed.

    $user@host[~]  module list
    Currently Loaded Modules:
      1) autotools   2) prun/1.2   3) gnu8/8.3.0   4) openmpi3/3.1.3   5) ohpc

    Please note that GNU8 and OpenMPI3 are the defaults on our cluster. This exercise suggests that we use a different flavor of MPI called MPICH. So, search for the available MPICH module.

    $user@host[~] module spider mpich
       MPICH MPI implementation
     For detailed information about a specific "mpich" module (including how to load the modules) use the full name.
     For example:
     $ module spider mpich/3.3

    Try loading the suggested MPICH module, namely mpich/3.3

    $user@host[~]  module load mpich/3.3
    Lmod has detected the following error: You can only have one MPI module loaded at a time.
    You already have openmpi3 loaded.
    To correct the situation, please execute the following command:
    $user@host[~] module swap openmpi3 mpich/3.3
    While processing the following module(s):
    Module fullname  Module Filename
     ---------------  ---------------
     mpich/3.3        /opt/ohpc/pub/moduledeps/gnu8/mpich/3.3

    As noted above, you can only have one MPI library in your path at a time. Therefore, you would need to swap the default openmpi3 library with mpich

    $user@host[~]  module swap openmpi3 mpich/3.3
  3. Compile the C source into a binary executable file.

    $user@host[~] mpicc -o hello_world_c hello_world.c
  4. Use ls -al to verify the presence of the hello_world_c binary in your working directory.

With the C code compiled into a binary (hello_world_c), we can now schedule and run the job on our compute nodes.

Step 4: Run the Job

  1. Before proceeding, please check the path/directory as your SLURM script and C binary. Use ls -al to confirm their presence.

  2. Use sbatch to schedule your batch job in the queue.

    $user@host[~] sbatch mpi-test.slurm

    This command will automatically queue your job using SLURM and produce a job number (shown below). You can check the status of your job at any time with the squeue command.

    $user@host[~] squeue -u $USER

    You can also stop your job at any time with the scancel command.

    $user@host[~] scancel <job_ID>
  3. View your results. Once your job completes, SLURM will produce two output/data files. These output/data files, unless otherwise specified in the SLURM script, are placed in the same path as your binary. One file (MPItest-<jobnumber>.out) contains the results of the binary you just executed, and the other (MPItest-<jobnumber>.err) contains any errors that occurred during execution. Please replace " with your job number. You can view the contents of these files using the more command followed by the file name.

    $user@host[~] more mpi_hello_world_c.oXXXXX

    Your output should look something like this, with one line per processor core (20 in this case):

     Hello world from processor compute001, rank 3 out of 20 processors
     Hello world from processor compute002, rank 12 out of 20 processors
     Hello world from processor compute002, rank 14 out of 20 processors
     Hello world from processor compute001, rank 8 out of 20 processors
  4. You have successfully created an MPI code and run it through a batch queue manager!

Works Cited

  1. Wes Kendall, "MPI Hello World," MPI Tutorial, accessed June 14, 2017,

Additional Examples

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