
See examples at

Matlab 2019a/2018b/2018a/2017b

Matlab is a general numerical simulation package that is known both for its powerful features and efficiency.

While most people use Matlab in interactive mode running on one CPU core, it does have capabilities to run on HPCs using a batch queue manager. We encourage users to do some testing on the login node and do their production runs by submitting them to compute nodes via the batch scheduler.

What versions of Matlab are available?

You can always execute module spider matlab to see what versions of Matlab are available. In our case, you should see something like this:

user@localhost>  module spider matlab

      Application for computational chemistry and biochemistry


  For detailed information about a specific "math/matlab" module (including how to load the modules) use the module's full name.
  For example:

     $ module spider math/matlab/r2019a

Operation Modes

Interactive mode on login node

Interactive mode on compute nodes

Batch mode on compute nodes

How to run

There are very good instructions on adapting Matlab to run optimally on an HPC system here

Last updated