
OpenHPC Stack

The cluster runs OpenHPC stack on top of a CentOS 7.6 operating system.

The OpenHPC software stack looks like this:

Some of the underlying management components are:

Application Access

A wide range of software from specific disciplines as well as general ones (Python, R, C, C++) will be pre-compiled and provisioned as modules users can load at run time. If there is a particular software users want to use, please submit a request to have them installed in a central location. Otherwise, users can install them in their own area for their personal use. If users prefer working with containers, we encourage using Singularity containers which are preferred over Docker for HPC applications.

Provisioning Software Using Modules

Our software environment uses LMod modules to set paths to executables, libraries, include files and manual pages for the installed software. The software modules available to users are organized according to the compiler and MPI library to ensure that the environment is set up properly to run the applications.

The HPC software environment uses Linux environment modules to manage versions and dependencies of software packages. When you load a module, it sets the environment variables necessary for running your program.

A list of available software modules can be viewed by typing module avail.

A list of software modules that are currently loaded can be viewed by typing module list.

By default the local repository is used as a source of software installations.

Additional information on HPC modules may be found here.

List of Applications

The list of applications available depends on the compiler and MPI libraries of choice. For the default GPU8 and OpenMPI3

GNU8 + OpenMPI3

The default software has the following applications. More applications will be added upon request.

------------------------------ /opt/ohpc/pub/moduledeps/gnu8-openmpi3 -------------------------------
   adios/1.13.1     mpiP/3.4.1              pnetcdf/1.11.0      scorep/4.1
   boost/1.69.0     mumps/5.1.2             ptscotch/6.0.6      sionlib/1.7.2
   dimemas/5.3.4    netcdf-cxx/4.3.0        py2-mpi4py/3.0.0    slepc/3.10.2
   extrae/3.5.2     netcdf-fortran/4.4.5    py2-scipy/1.2.1     superlu_dist/6.1.1
   fftw/3.3.8       netcdf/4.6.2            py3-mpi4py/3.0.0    tau/2.28
   hypre/2.15.1     opencoarrays/2.2.0      py3-scipy/1.2.1     trilinos/12.12.1
   imb/2018.1       petsc/3.10.3            scalapack/2.0.2
   mfem/3.4         phdf5/1.10.4            scalasca/2.4

----------------------------------- /opt/ohpc/pub/moduledeps/gnu8 -----------------------------------
   R/3.5.2            likwid/4.3.3    mvapich2/2.3      openmpi3/3.1.3   (L)    py3-numpy/1.15.3
   hdf5/1.10.4        metis/5.1.0     ocr/1.0.1         pdtoolkit/3.25          superlu/5.2.1
   impi/2019.3.199    mpich/3.3       openblas/0.3.5    py2-numpy/1.15.3

------------------------------------- /opt/ohpc/pub/modulefiles -------------------------------------
   EasyBuild/3.7.1              cmake/3.12.2            papi/5.6.0
   autotools             (L)    cuda/9.2                pmix/2.1.4
   charliecloud/0.9.2           gnu7/7.3.0              prun/1.2          (L)
   chem/gamess/2018-R2          gnu8/8.3.0       (L)    singularity/2.6.0
   chem/gaussian/16-B.01        hwloc/1.11.10           use.own
   chem/mopac/2016              intel/        valgrind/3.13.0
   chem/orca/4.1.2              llvm5/5.0.1
   clustershell/1.8             ohpc             (L)

Intel + OpenMPI3

You can switch to from the default software stack build using GNU8 to one built using Intel compilers using modules: module swap gnu8 intel

The Intel 19 and OpenMPI3 software stack currently has the following packages.

------------------------------ /opt/ohpc/pub/moduledeps/intel-openmpi3 ------------------------------
   adios/1.13.1     mfem/3.4                pnetcdf/1.11.0      sionlib/1.7.2
   boost/1.69.0     mumps/5.1.2             ptscotch/6.0.6      slepc/3.10.2
   dimemas/5.3.4    netcdf-cxx/4.3.0        py2-mpi4py/3.0.0    superlu_dist/6.1.1
   extrae/3.5.2     netcdf-fortran/4.4.5    py3-mpi4py/3.0.0    tau/2.28
   geopm/0.6.1      netcdf/4.6.2            scalapack/2.0.2     trilinos/12.12.1
   hypre/2.15.1     petsc/3.10.3            scalasca/2.4
   imb/2018.1       phdf5/1.10.4            scorep/4.1

---------------------------------- /opt/ohpc/pub/moduledeps/intel -----------------------------------
   R/3.4.2            likwid/4.3.3    ocr/1.0.1             py2-numpy/1.15.3
   gdal/2.2.3         metis/5.1.0     openmpi3/3.1.3 (L)    py3-numpy/1.15.3
   hdf5/1.10.4        mpich/3.3       pdtoolkit/3.25        scotch/6.0.6
   impi/2019.3.199    mvapich2/2.3    plasma/2.8.0          superlu/5.2.1

------------------------------------- /opt/ohpc/pub/modulefiles -------------------------------------
   EasyBuild/3.7.1              chem/orca/4.1.2     hwloc/1.11.10           prun/1.2          (L)
   autotools             (L)    clustershell/1.8    intel/ (L)    singularity/2.6.0
   charliecloud/0.9.2           cmake/3.12.2        llvm5/5.0.1             use.own
   chem/gamess/2018-R2          cuda/9.2            ohpc             (L)    valgrind/3.13.0
   chem/gaussian/16-B.01        gnu7/7.3.0          papi/5.6.0
   chem/mopac/2016              gnu8/8.3.0          pmix/2.1.4

GNU7 + OpenMPI3

You can switch to from the default software stack build using GNU7 to one built using GNU7 using modules: module swap gnu8 gnu7

The GNU7 and OpenMPI3 software stack currently has the following packages.

----------------------------------- /opt/ohpc/pub/moduledeps/gnu7 -----------------------------------
   R/3.5.0    hdf5/1.10.2    mpich/3.2.1    mvapich2/2.2    openblas/0.2.20    openmpi3/3.1.0 (L)

------------------------------------- /opt/ohpc/pub/modulefiles -------------------------------------
   EasyBuild/3.7.1              cmake/3.12.2            papi/5.6.0
   autotools             (L)    cuda/9.2                pmix/2.1.4
   charliecloud/0.9.2           gnu7/7.3.0       (L)    prun/1.2          (L)
   chem/gamess/2018-R2          gnu8/8.3.0              singularity/2.6.0
   chem/gaussian/16-B.01        hwloc/1.11.10           use.own
   chem/mopac/2016              intel/        valgrind/3.13.0
   chem/orca/4.1.2              llvm5/5.0.1
   clustershell/1.8             ohpc             (L)


If you have slightly older software that requires GNU5 compilers and OpenMPI1, you can switch from the default software stack build using GNU8 to one built using GNU5 using modules: module swap gnu8 gnu

The GNU and OpenMPI software stack currently has the following packages.

--------------------------------- /opt/ohpc/pub/moduledeps/gnu-openmpi ---------------------------------
   adios/1.12.0    mumps/5.1.2             phdf5/1.10.1       scorep/3.1          trilinos/12.12.1
   boost/1.66.0    netcdf-fortran/4.4.4    scalapack/2.0.2    sionlib/1.7.1
   fftw/3.3.7      netcdf/4.5.0            scalasca/2.3.1     superlu_dist/4.2
   hypre/2.13.0    petsc/3.8.3             scipy/0.19.1       tau/2.27

------------------------------------- /opt/ohpc/pub/moduledeps/gnu -------------------------------------
   gsl/2.4            mkl/    numpy/1.12.1       openmpi/1.10.7 (L)
   impi/2019.3.199    mpich/3.2.1       ocr/1.0.1          pdtoolkit/3.25
   metis/5.1.0        mvapich2/2.2      openblas/0.2.20    superlu/5.2.1

-------------------------------------- /opt/ohpc/pub/modulefiles ---------------------------------------
   EasyBuild/3.7.1              cuda/9.2                pmix/2.1.4
   autotools             (L)    gnu/5.4.0        (L)    prun/1.2            (L)
   charliecloud/0.9.2           gnu7/7.3.0              python-intel/2.7.15
   chem/gamess/2018-R2          gnu8/8.3.0              python-intel/3.6.8  (D)
   chem/gaussian/16-B.01        hwloc/1.11.10           singularity/2.6.0
   chem/mopac/2016              intel/        use.own
   chem/orca/4.1.2              llvm5/5.0.1             valgrind/3.13.0
   clustershell/1.8             ohpc             (L)
   cmake/3.12.2                 papi/5.6.0

All Currently Installed Applications

You can always get a list of all available modules and their description by entering module spider. You can also find this the most up-to-date tabulated Software List.

The list as of 02-03-2020 looks like

Over the coming days, weeks and months, more software will be added per users request.

Other Applications and Utilities

The applications listed above are traditional HPC software that are stored in a central location that all storage and compute nodes can access. There are other system and utility applications stored locally on the login node as well as all compute and storage nodes.

How about Users' Own Applications

You are welcome to install and run your own applications. Here are some useful tips

  • It's best to consistently stick with one compiler and MPI library if possible.

  • To ease setting up the environment to run your own applications

    • You can enter module load use.own to create a directory called privatemodules in your $HOME directory

    • You can copy an example module file from /opt/ohpc/pub/examples/example.modulefile or /opt/ohpc/pub/examples/examplempi-dependent.modulefile and change it to match your application

Can Users Request Applications to be installed?

Absolutely. Please submit a TeamDynamix service request stating the application you need and any pertinent details and we will do our best to get the application available to you quickly.

Please note that some applications are trivial to install and test while others can be cumbersome. So, we can not guarantee a quick turn-around, but we will try to give you a reasonable timeline.

Last updated