Request an Account


The account request process goes as follows

  1. Faculty/staff submit an account request by emailing or filling out a TeamDynamix Service request form. Students need to ask their faculty/staff advisor/mentor to submit the request on their behalf

  2. The requestor gets a unique link to a brief account request form online

  3. Once the online form is submitted, the account will be created as quickly as possible. The requestor will receive instructions on accessing the cluster.

Who can request an account?

  • Faculty and staff can request accounts emailing

  • Students are eligible for accounts upon endorsement or sponsorship by their faculty/staff mentor/advisor. Their faculty/staff mentor/advisor can send an email request to on their behalf to initiate the account creation process.

What information needs to be provided?

Upon receipt of their request, faculty/staff/students will be sent a link to a brief electronic account request form seeking the following information.

  1. Consent to the CofC HPC's policies

  2. Full name

  3. CofC email address

  4. A brief description of how they intend to use the HPC

  5. Any software or storage requirements

It should just take a few minutes to complete the form.

General conventions about user and group names

  • User names are set to your CofC login name unless explicitly requested otherwise.

  • Primary group names

    • Faculty/staff - the primary group names for you and your students would be your CofC login name unless you explicitly request otherwise

  • Secondary group names

    • If faculty/staff need users to belong in secondary groups, say for a group of students working on the same project, they can request that a secondary group be created under a name of their choice.

What happens after you submit the form?

The account creation process is very quick, however if your work requires specific software or workflow that is not available on the HPC already, it could take longer. Nevertheless, we try our best to complete all account requests within 24 hours.

Once your account is created, you will receive an email describing how to access the cluster. We also try to run through typical software and workflow you are likely to use and share those examples. We hope that helps you get started and accelerates your use of the cluster.

You can always request a one-on-one consultation to get a detailed orientation to the HPC cluster.

Last updated